A Professional Development Program Sponsored by The Oaks Academy

A portfolio of three external facing professional development programs, the Indiana Educator Fellowships are led by Indianapolis-based school network, The Oaks Academy. In partnership with Ed Choice, the School Leader Fellowship (SLF) launched in 2017 as the first arm of IEF. Rooted in the spirit of unity and in the belief that the concept of “our students” transcends the confines of our own hallways, classrooms, and school walls, SLF earnestly assumed a mission of informing, inspiring, and connecting educators so that their schools flourish.

Four years later, Early Learning Indiana extended the opportunity to add a second arm to IEF designed with the directors of Early Education centers in mind: the Early Education Director Fellowship (EEDF). While SLF has assumed a national reach and virtual format, EEDF welcomed directors from Central Indiana in-person for 2 classes in 2021 and 2022. In 2023, with the hope of broadening reach and community, EEDF has transitioned to a 6-part Collaborative Workshop series open to all Central Indiana early childhood educators.

Also in 2022, we launched a third arm to IEF, the Teacher Renewal Fellowship (TRF). Assuming a hybrid-approach, TRF gathered teachers, in-person and virtually, from SLF alumni schools to share lessons in the importance of atmosphere, student engagement, relationship formation, and intrinsic motivation. TRF is designed to afford teachers an experience aimed at refreshing and renewing their love and passion for their profession.

Led by

Katie Taylor is the Director of the Indiana Educator Fellowships (IEF).  She has supported and led IEF since 2018. Katie is a United States Air Force veteran and former pilot, with a cumulative 22 years active duty and reserve service, including 15 years as an admissions liaison officer to the United State Air Force Academy.

Katie has a Bachelor of Science in General Engineering from the United States Air Force Academy and a Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies from Indiana University. Katie is inspired by The Oaks Academy’s commitment to ‘knowing and loving’ its students and celebrates discovering how to extend the same care to all who walk through the doors of The Oaks.

Anna Poe is the Recruitment Coordinator for the Indiana Educator Fellowships (IEF). Prior to her role as Recruitment Coordinator at The Oaks Academy, Anna was a third grade teacher for five and a half years. She is passionate about empowering educators in their profession and helping all feel known and loved.

Anna graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary and Special Education. She is married to Chris, and together they have a one year old son and big, fluffy goldendoodle. She enjoys walks with her family, baking, and spending time outdoors.

The Indiana Educator Fellowships are sponsored in part by the following groups


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